A key aspect of Sparx Science is that the homework is personalised in order to be challenging yet achievable for every student.
Pitching difficulty and length of homework
Initially the difficulty and number of questions is determined by the Initial homework level assigned by the teacher.
Over time, Sparx learns a student’s ability and adjusts their Homework Difficulty Level. This then determines the difficulty and number of questions in their homework.
A balance of new topics and spaced retrieval
Sparx Science homework automatically revisits previously-assigned topics in the Consolidation section of homework.
Each homework in Sparx contains:
40% Consolidation
60% topics set that week by the teacher.
Note: in the first few weeks of a class using Sparx Science, there can be a smaller proportion of Consolidation or no Consolidation at all. In these cases, the number of questions from topics set that week is increased.
How do teachers control the contents and length of homework?
Teachers control which topics are set each week and the length of the homework (e.g. 50 minutes).
Teachers can also adjust which topics are eligible for Consolidation.
Teachers can override the Homework Difficulty Level at any time. Reducing the homework difficulty level for a student will mean fewer questions are chosen and that these questions are easier.