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Creating schemes of learning
Creating schemes of learning
Written by Jamie Conn
Updated over 3 months ago

Schemes of Learning in Sparx Science make it quick and easy to schedule homework for a year group for the entire academic year.

To create a scheme of learning:

  1. Go to Management -> Scheme of Learning.

  2. Choose the academic year in which you want to make your new scheme and click New blank scheme

  3. Now use the editing tools to build your Scheme:

    • Add topics to each week. Use the Blue i icon next to the topics to view the questions and see if they are suitable for your classes before dragging them into the correct week.

    • Check homework is off during holidays if this is school policy.

Recommendations for creating an effective scheme:

  • Ensure the first week has at least 3 topics as otherwise the homework may be shorter than expected as there is no consolidation

  • Plan to deliver topics a week after teaching. We recommend putting topics a minimum of 1 week after they are due to be taught in class to make sure students have been taught them before they appear in the homework

  • Set 3 topics per week on average for a KS3 class and 6 for a GCSE class to ensure there is time to cover all material.

Once you are happy with your Scheme, you need to publish it to make it available for assigning to classes.

If you are starting to use Sparx Science midway through the academic year, you do not need to fill in the weeks before the start date (and topics added in these weeks will not be eligible for Consolidation). Although if you do complete the entire academic year you will be able to reuse this in future years.

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